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On this page we'll present a summary of past events and a calendar of upcoming activities. We might use a format similar to this.


Recent Fall 2007 Trip to Tellico:
..We departed from the  Parking lot of the Lowes in Evans Thursday (Oct 4th) morning at 8:30AM.  The trip took about 4 1/2 hours in total with lunch stop at the Wendy's in Helen, GA.  This was  at the base of the mountains and right before we started a lot of switchback mountain driving.  Here were some tips (they made the trip much better for those that followed them):

* If you're driving....minimum requirements are a spare tire, jack, mounted fire extinguisher, CB radio.  Everything else is up to you....I would bring a tarp on the trail...like an 8x8...it makes laying in the mud under your rig a lot better when doing repairs....it also makes it easier to see if you drop any nuts or bolts.

* If you're driving a vehicle....Carry spare U-Joints at the least....Any other spare parts you feel....bring tools for trail and camp fixes.

* The raffle Saturday night is held in an open mountain field....there are no chairs....bring a collapsable one (Walmart has them)

* It will be chilly at night.......but warm enough for shorts in the daytime....Daytime highs in the low 70's and nighttime lows in the low 40's....dress appropriately

* Make sure you know your own sleeping arangments....whose tent, etc.

* We will be tent camping with a fire....but it won't be roughing it....our campsite has running water and an electrical outlet.....bring and extension cord and power tools if you like.

* There is a bath house that has cabana rooms with a private shower, toilet, sink and mirror.....regular toiletries apply.

* Everyone must wear and wrist band to be anywhere at the event.....this means you must be the guest of a driver, or pay for an individual....I think and individual is $20.....each driver gets one guest with registration

* Food was taken care of for Saturday night with registration (for driver and guest)......There was a trailer selling food at the event and also a McDonald's in Murphy about 30 mins away....some cooked in camp ......ice lasted  in a good cooler the few days of the event.

* The camping was $12 a night.....times 3 nights = $36

* There were vendors selling things like Hi-Lifts and shirts and hats

* The raffle tickets were $1 each and the raffle was stuff like winches and sets of 4 tires and Hi-Lift jacks and a lot of little things like shirts and hats.  There were over 300 raffle items last year....so  cash was needed if you wanted to participate (raffle $ went to keeping the trails open).

Tellico Results:

We had a great Tellico trip!  We ended up having 3 rigs and 4 riders (sorry Nick).  Everything worked out and there was some trading out so everyone got to hit the trails at some point.  The damage report is as follows:

Andy....Blew out both front shocks (makes for a bouncy ride)
John.....Charging issue.....bent front shackle w/ missing nut (vise grips work as a good nut)
Bryce.....Broken rear drive-shaft yoke strap and bolt (that was a show stopper)

All in all we had a fun trip trail riding and looking at all the well built rigs....I am all pumped up and will begin my monster '73 FJ40 tube buggy next weekend.  I will be cutting the body off from the windshield back and getting all the parts off I won't be using.  I will be HARDline in this rig.  Andy

Gulches, SC Trip in December:

Trey, our new Trail Ride Coordinator,  will be handling the details of the Gulches club ride on Dec 1st from here on out.  So if you have any questions, let him know.  I just wanted to drop a quick line to state that this place, while on only 80 acres, has a 450 foot drop from top to bottom and granite all over the place.  There are bypass runs on all trails...so we can stay together on the trail all the way through, with a front row seat to the hard stuff even though us open diff (This will change in my Buggy) can't make the obstacle.  Here is a pic to give you an idea.




February 5, 2008:
 Monthly meeting at Teresa's Mexican Restaurant, Boy Scout Road, at 6:30 PM
We will take orders for shirts and stickers and talk about the next trail ride to Tellico (22-25 May) .  We need a total count of who is going on the Tellico trip by this meeting. If you have anything interesting you are working on....send an email to everyone...include pics if you have them.  See you all then!
Dates To Be Determined: Possible "paint ball" battle between club members and guests. More info to be provided by Bodie and Andy.
22-25 May 2008:  Trip to Tellico, NC. Details to be discussed at February meeting. Two cabins have been reserved for club members but committments needed by the 5 February meeting so plans and reservations can be confirmed. Get your rigs ready for this opportunity to tackle some of the most challenging and scenic trails east of the Mississippi.